Who We Are

Who We Are

Welcome To Kawonawo Foundation

KAFO Foundation was founded by Mr Steven Kityo in 2015, in 2017 It was approved by the government as a Non Profit Foundation with Registration No:13152 and BRS-INCC-8-17/36066 based on Market Street Kampala Uganda .It is a non-governmental organization whose programs so far funded by self and private donors. 


Volunteers Since In 2017


Children We Helped since 2017

$ 0

Funds We Collected

Kawonawo Foundation

What We Do

The only foundation that describes the definition of an orphan. For one, the definition of an orphan in Uganda is a child who has lost both parents. This system does not account for the children who have either lost one parent, or have one or both parents currently dying of AIDS. In our first year, we provided education for 10 children in one village in Uganda. As of today, the number has reached more than 200 applications in many areas and continues to grow, making KAFO one of the continuous foundation running AIDS-impacted children in Uganda.

Main Focus

Kafo primarily focuses on paying for the children’s education, making sure all funds are delivered directly to their schools, or programs by our staff. Kafo does not operate orphanages or foster homes. Instead, with our financial assistance, we empower the local communities to take care of the children, allowing them to continue to grow up in their native villages. To further decrease their sense of social stigma and isolation, Kafo places the children in schools that purposefully integrate them with children not impacted by HIV/AIDS. These efforts aim to give AIDS-affected children a stronger sense of community and belonging.


Kafo promises a long-term commitment to helping the children not only in completing their educations but also to receiving dependable and comprehensive support. Through Kafo’s psychosocial support and community self help programs, we hope the children can grow up unashamed of their parents’ HIV status, be educated and develop a sense of social responsibility to help others.

Our Mission

To create a harmonious, equal, and healthy society by funding and operating projects in education and care for children impacted by AIDS, AIDS prevention and anti-discrimination.
volunteer with KAFO Foundation

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Environment Campaign

Consulting with creative, customized end-to-end solutions

World Aids Day

Dec 1st is World Aids Day. It’s an opportunity for people worldwide to unite in the fight against HIV, to show support for people living with HIV, and to commemorate those who have died from an AIDS-related illness . This Date does not call the world to unite with the Explosion of innocent Orphans created by HIV-Aids. These children Don`t even know why there life was impacted by the deadly virus.

3 Ways to Save Species in Danger

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Help children now and make them a social investment rather than a social welfare problem